Stanley Jordan on Letterman
(too old to reply)
Navin R. Johnson
2006-09-01 02:25:39 UTC

Numpty Doodah
2006-09-01 03:39:26 UTC
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz YAWN!
Post by Navin R. Johnson
Navin R. Johnson
2006-09-01 19:49:02 UTC
Post by Numpty Doodah
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz YAWN!
You've gotta be kidding. That was one monster groove they were jammin on there.
In the pocket.

Maybe if he did 150mph sweep picking & distorted 4/4 shred stuff you would have at
least stayed awake for the finish..
2006-09-01 20:02:52 UTC
Post by Navin R. Johnson
Post by Numpty Doodah
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz YAWN!
You've gotta be kidding. That was one monster groove they were jammin on there.
In the pocket.
Maybe if he did 150mph sweep picking & distorted 4/4 shred stuff you would have at
least stayed awake for the finish..
I am NOT a jazz fan. But I AM a Stanley Jordan fan. I can appreciate
his style and talent.
2006-09-01 04:10:57 UTC
Post by Navin R. Johnson
Why in the hell did I think he was a Bass player??
/me smacks herself on the forehead
"When it comes to huge openings, a lot of people think of me."
-Hedwig, 2001
Mark Bedingfield
2006-09-01 04:27:09 UTC
Post by VampiressX
Post by Navin R. Johnson
Why in the hell did I think he was a Bass player??
/me smacks herself on the forehead
Don't worry I did too;-)

2006-09-01 04:29:41 UTC
Post by Mark Bedingfield
Post by VampiressX
Post by Navin R. Johnson
Why in the hell did I think he was a Bass player??
/me smacks herself on the forehead
Don't worry I did too;-)
Eeep!! I was thinking of Stanley Clark. What a dingus I am.
"When it comes to huge openings, a lot of people think of me."
-Hedwig, 2001
The Chris
2006-09-01 13:08:51 UTC
Post by VampiressX
Post by Navin R. Johnson
Why in the hell did I think he was a Bass player??
/me smacks herself on the forehead
Because you were thinking of Stanley Clarke... Jordan has that great
tapping style.... I have his Hot Licks video somewhere... Some video...
Navin R. Johnson
2006-09-01 19:50:18 UTC
Post by VampiressX
Post by VampiressX
Why in the hell did I think he was a Bass player??
/me smacks herself on the forehead
Prolly because his name isn't Stanley Clarke ;-)
2006-09-01 06:31:56 UTC
Post by Navin R. Johnson
I saw Stanley play about this time period. I met him after the show
BRIEFLY. Long enough to compliment him and have him autograph my
favorite CD. He is a VERY nice guy, and extremely talented in my book.
He also played two guitars at once, one on a stand.

If I'm not mistaken, he has posted IN THIS FORUM in years passed!
Burnham Treezdown
2006-09-01 07:40:00 UTC
Post by Jim
Post by Navin R. Johnson
I saw Stanley play about this time period. I met him after the show
BRIEFLY. Long enough to compliment him and have him autograph my
favorite CD. He is a VERY nice guy, and extremely talented in my book.
He also played two guitars at once, one on a stand.
If I'm not mistaken, he has posted IN THIS FORUM in years passed!
One of the things I've always appreciated about him, he's willing to leave some
mistakes in his records. Very minor ones, but you don't often hear that these
2006-09-01 15:44:49 UTC
Post by Jim
Post by Navin R. Johnson
I saw Stanley play about this time period. I met him after the show
BRIEFLY. Long enough to compliment him and have him autograph my
favorite CD. He is a VERY nice guy, and extremely talented in my book.
He also played two guitars at once, one on a stand.
If I'm not mistaken, he has posted IN THIS FORUM in years passed!
Yea, he's been around. Been awhile though... I suspect he lurks from
time to time. Same for a lot of big names I suspect..
2006-09-01 18:15:17 UTC
Post by n***@wt.net
Yea, he's been around. Been awhile though... I suspect he lurks from
time to time. Same for a lot of big names I suspect..
That's pretty cool.

Our other guitar player, Todd, is a major amateur radio geek and has on a
few occasions talked to some AM regular named Joe. They started talking
about guitars the other day (Les Pauls), and somebody shot Todd an e-mail to
let him know that "Joe" is Joe Walsh.

Navin R. Johnson
2006-09-01 19:54:14 UTC
I saw Stanley play about this time period. I met him after the show BRIEFLY. Long enough to compliment him and have him
autograph my favorite CD. He is a VERY nice guy, and extremely talented in my book. He also played two guitars at once, one on a
Cool, cool.

I met him in the crowd once at a Syracuse NY Jazz Festival years back.
Ditto on him being a totally down to earth, cool & nice guy. He was
suprised I recognized him! A guy like that is a true talent indeed.
His version of Eleanor Rigby was incredible, a great sense of rhythm
& timing.
If I'm not mistaken, he has posted IN THIS FORUM in years passed!
Was it really him? you know, being the internet & all..
2006-09-01 20:07:50 UTC
Post by Navin R. Johnson
I saw Stanley play about this time period. I met him after the show BRIEFLY. Long enough to compliment him and have him
autograph my favorite CD. He is a VERY nice guy, and extremely talented in my book. He also played two guitars at once, one on a
Cool, cool.
I met him in the crowd once at a Syracuse NY Jazz Festival years back.
Ditto on him being a totally down to earth, cool & nice guy. He was
suprised I recognized him! A guy like that is a true talent indeed.
His version of Eleanor Rigby was incredible, a great sense of rhythm
& timing.
A big YES to his Eleanor Rigby!
Post by Navin R. Johnson
If I'm not mistaken, he has posted IN THIS FORUM in years passed!
Was it really him? you know, being the internet & all..
All indications are that it was really him.

Elliot Randall also pops in from time to time.
Tom C.
2006-11-13 16:52:26 UTC
In case you're ever in Sedona, Arizona, you can say hello to Stanley if you
catch him at his music store there. It's in the west end of town, in a
shopping mall. Most anyone in town can tell how to get there, certainly any
of the local guitar players, which is how I found out. I did happen to catch
him in when I visited. -- t
